General Donations
Your Donation will support Hope for Children to run its community based programs in Ethiopia.
you can choose to donate to Hope for Children generally, and we will use the funds where they are needed most.
as a general donation to Hope for Children.
Donate By Mail

Download our Hope for Children
General Donation Form
and mail your donation to :
Hope for Children
PO Box 3155, Broadway,
Nedlands, WA 6009,
Questions About Donating to Hope for Children?
Contact us anytime.
Phone: (+61) 418 788 445
Your donation goes to Hope for Children Organisation Australia Limited (ABN 73 109 038 600). Hope for Children is an approved organisation under the Overseas Aid Gift Deduction Scheme (OAGDS) as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR). This means that Hope for Children will issue you with a tax deductible receipt for your donation.
We do not share your personal details with third parties for marketing purposes.
Please note: all donations over $2 are tax deductible